• info@accutepharma.com
  • UG-22 Somdutt Chamber-1, Bhikaji Cama Place, Rama Krishna Puram, New Delhi-110066

We follow the science

At Accute Pharma, we believe in doing what should be done, rather than what has been done. So, we follow where the science leads. We focus on today and look beyond tomorrow to tackle the world’s most formidable healthcare challenges.

Focus on medical need
Scientific breakthroughs are most likely to occur when scientists are free to tackle problems from different angles and in different ways. Our scientists have this freedom.

With radical scientific thinking and a deep understanding of disease mechanisms and therapies, we aim to produce the safest, most effective treatments available. Right now, we are developing medicines in the areas where we see the greatest need:

In Oncology, our scientists are leaders in the identification of novel cell surface molecules and are working to characterize tumor antigens that may be useful in fighting various forms of cancer.

In Immunology, we are constantly growing our expertise so that we can continue to discover and develop innovative medicines for patients living with debilitating diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or asthma.

Infectious diseases: Viral and bacterial infections are among the leading causes of disability and death.

We are committed to finding effective treatments for life-threatening infectious diseases. In Neuroscience, we are developing medicines for a range of serious brain diseases, including schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, Parkinson’s disease, Down syndrome and autism.

Seeing the big picture
We make in vitro diagnostic tests for hospitals, commercial laboratories, physicians, and patients. These can be used on blood, tissue, or other patient samples to find and diagnose diseases and infections, select the right treatment, and monitor how patients respond. Now, we can test large numbers of samples in central labs faster, more reliably, and more efficiently than ever before. And often, we can apply these new technologies at the earliest stages of targeted treatment development.

Collaboration is the key
Our greatest innovations grow from deep partnerships and collaboration with some of the smartest people and organizations in the industry.

That is how we are building a better future for patients everywhere.

Mr. Kunal Gupta
Accute Pharma
